
Where can I find information on grants for teaching yoga to children with autism or adults with disabilities?

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I work for a non-profit company that serves people with abilities of all ranges-children through seniors and I would like to develop some yoga programs and become certified in teaching yoga-Thanks for any help I can get! :~)




  1. There's a newsletter about educational grants. Folks who subscribe to the newsletter can also join an e-mail group where people who write educational grants--either professionally, or as teachers, for example, in their spare time--offer each other information and advice.

    I used to belong to the e-mail group (list-serve) before subscription to the newsletter was required, and it was good information. My job duties just evolved to take me far from grant-writing.

  2. Contact the Autism Society, Autism Speaks or whatever ASD group that is active in your state.  They likely can point you in a direction that makes sense.

  3. and each state gets grants for programs like this, and contact the foundation center online. google non profit foundation grant giving.

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