
Where can I find information on the rights of students with IEP's?

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I feel that my daughter is being unfairly by a teacher. I want to read up on discipline and the rights of kids with learning disibilities




  1. Treated unfairly how?  As in modifications are not being made to her in being held to inappropriate performance standards....or as in the teacher is too harsh on her for behavior reasons?  Or some other option?

  2. Wrightslaw is amazing, and I would suggest that too. You can order books from them as well, and it is very helpful to have their two as a set, Wrightslaw and From Emotions to Advocacy.

    If you'd like to get a book asap, at Barnes and Noble they have one at the store

    at least all the B&N around here have them.

  3. Without knowing your daughter's special needs or about her IEP.  Please know that if your IEP doesn't have a behavior intervention plan in place, your child is held to the school's student code of conduct.  

    Below is the specific link to wrightslaws regarding behavior/discipline.  

    If your daughter is having any type of behavior issues--it may be time to have a Functional Behavior Assessment done.  This assessment will find what is causing the behaviors, i.e. is your child bored in class, is the work to hard etc.  Then a behavioral plan is made and teaching is given to the teachers who work with your child as well as in home trainings available.  

    Behavior issues doesn't mean only the kids who act out against the teacher or other students, they can be small things like having trouble staying seated or staying on task.  Perfect example is my young child is having trouble sitting at circle time, she will get up and wander to the book corner--we have requested the FBA as she is not purposely being distracting, she doesn't bother the other students, but it does cause the teacher to have to stop the lesson to redirect my daughter.  And to an untrained teacher, this behavior can be misconstrued, like my child is ignoring the lesson or refusing to participate.  This is why a behavioral intervention plan needs to be in place.

    I do hope that it is not truly a case of the teacher treating your daughter unfairly.  Unfortunately, many general ed teachers are not experienced in working with special needs kids--This to needs to be investigated and if that is the case, this teacher needs extra support from the special ed department as well as receiving training in these skills to provide an appropriate educational environment for your child!  

    I wish you tons of luck!


  4. Please go to your local SELPA office if you have one.  If your daughter has a IEP meeting you should have been given rights.....There is a long form and short form for rights.  

    First of all, try to contact the teacher.  If that does not work contact your child's case manager or whoever is in charge of Special Education at your child's school.  Where I live the designee is the program specialist.  If still no answer, ask the principal.  You should get an answer by then but if not continue to read your rights as a parent and contact the district.  Thank you for asking and I hope this gets resolved quickly..

  5. the teacher has to obey  has to follow her IEP

  6.   This is the best place on line I know.  They also publish a book and if your child is goingo be recieving special education services I would suggest buying it.  it has became a "Bible" for me.

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