
Where can I find information on where to position the Sony VPL-AW10 projector vertically to my screen heignt?

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sony vpl-aw10 projector




  1. This link will give you a good idea of where to start mounting the projector.

  2. You could try the instruction book. If that does not give you a good answer it will probably have the phone number of a technical support centre that may be able to answer your question. Otherwise, trial and error.

  3. The manual (Pg 14/15, see link) has a diagram and table that provide some of the necessary info (unfortunately the VPL-AW10 does not have vertical offset controls so you need to be more careful setting up the projector).

    The applicable dimensions vary according to the size and aspect ratio of the screen and how and where you intend to mount the projector (table, ceiling, rear wall ...including whether inverted or right way up).

    The critical point is the offset angle that the projector uses when the image is projected from the lens. On most projectors the image is NOT projected straight ahead, but at an upward angle when the projector is flat and right way up. So you need to position the projector so the image reaches the screen correctly. Since the manual (as is all too common) does not appear to state the offset angle you will have to determine it.

    Set up the projector on a table or the floor (being careful not to block air vents) 10.0 feet (measured from the front of the lens) from a blank wall. Turn on the projector, if necessary set the aspect ratio appropriately (e.g. 16:9), and measure how far the bottom of the projected image is from the floor. Subtract the height of the centre of the lens above the floor from this measurement and the difference (positive or negative) is the offset of the image, and 1/10 of this is the offset/foot.

    Since you want the screen to be mounted so that the eye of a viewer looking straight and level when seated is between 1/3 and 1/2 of the height of the screen, if you know the height of the screen (49" for a 100", 16:9 screen), height of the viewer's eye (typically about 36-40"), lens offset (e.g. 1"/foot), and throw distance for the screen (e.g. 12 feet for a 100" 16:9 screen) you can calculate how high the projector must be when ceiling mounted to throw the image down to just fit the screen.

    Using the example defined, for a 100" 16:9 screen and a viewer eye height of 38", the bottom of the screen should be mounted between 38"-17"=21 and 38"-24= 16" (to be aesy let's say 20" ... which leaves lot's of room for the centre speaker) above the floor, and the centre of the projector lens when ceiling mounted would have to be 12" higher (12' throw distance x 1"/ft offset) than the top edge of the screen ... ie. 20" (bottom of screen above the floor) + 49" (height of screen) + 12" (offset) = 81" above the floor.  A ceiling mount that positions the lens on the inverted projector at 81" above the floor (15" below an 8' ceiling) is required.

    Note that the above is an example ... you will have to substitute the appropriate figures. Because you don't have a variable vertical lens offset control I suggest working out the numbers but mounting the projector BEFORE mounting the screen. Then project an image and verify the final dimensions for where the screen must go. A "French Cleat" mounting (Google it) would allow fine horizontal adjustments ... but you have to get the vertical height almost exact. Even though the projector has trapazoidal correction (aka keystone adjustment) avoid using it if you can.

    I hope that is all clear.

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