
Where can I find listings of local support groups in my area?

by Guest56958  |  earlier

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Im looking for support groups in missouri, north kansas city area for anxiety, depression, pregancy




  1. Call your local health department (check your phone book or call the main city office), your local mental health office ( and/or your nearest public hospital. Also check your city's yellow pages under "mental health services.

  2. Look in the community calendar section of your newspaper, in the front of your phone book and in the yellow pages.   Your mental health provider and health dept can provide more info.  will have other listings.

  3. I am assuming that since this question is on the Yahoo boards you have a computer..................???  Have you searched it?

    Also, look in the yellow pages for groups, social services, churches.  They may be able to help you.

  4. need a support group in the massillon ohio area

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