
Where can I find local independent technical support without going to Geek Squad or something?

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I don't have that kind of money to spend for what little help I need from time to time. I'd like to find "my tech guy" to go to for trouble?




  1. Don't you have YELLOW PAGES where you live.  Try looking in them for COMPUTER REPAIR and you will find a guru on the other end ot the phone when you call their number

  2. You could try talking with folks in any local computer shop, perhaps they could be willing to do independent work for a fraction of the normal cost. Ask friends and family for recommendations.

    Try this as well,

  3. I don't quite know what your criteria is for your tech-guy, but I can provide you with all sorts of computer services, at nominal charges. I do it in two ways:

    1. You can subscribe to my  blog at Here you can get tips and tricks for most common issues and that is free.

    2. If that is not answering your question, or if your situation is more specific and needs personal attention, then you can buy my time and I can provide you with the service either remotely over the internet or if you live in or around NJ, USA, I can provide personal help.

    For more information, please visit my website at

    I also provide Web services at

  4. Yes there is a guy willing to give free support and answer just about any question.  He has a weekly newsletter which he sends out just about every Sunday.

    I have been subscribed since March of 05 and I look forward to reading what he has to say each week.

    People send in their questions and he answers them in his column.

    He is a great guy and he genuinely cares and wants to help.

    The name of his column is  NYBBLES & BYTES.

    I included his latest column dated August third for you to see an example of what he does down below in the source section.  This is his 379th answer page.

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