
Where can I find newsreports from 1986-1989 of birmingham england on the internet?

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I am trying to find out how I can view old newspaper articles from birmingham in the mid 1980's. Does anyone have any ideas other than going to a libriary. i'd rather be able to view them online.




  1. Call the Birminham Evening Mail, and ask to speak to the person running the "morgue" ( the term they use, for the section that has information kept of the papers history), if they can not supply this info online, then you need to ask to speak to Carl Chinn, who does the papers historical articles for Birmingham and the Black Country, he  is a professor of history, and has some marvellous picture archives and knows everbody worth knowing in this field, if he can not help, ( and I for one do not believe that even if he is busy, he wil not at least arrange an e-mail to you) then all is lost, because he is probably the best source, bar none. !!!

  2. The morgue dont be so stupid thats where they store bodies, like the lady said you only answered one genealogy question , not exactly an expert in the subject are you.

  3. Most online newspaper archives don't begin until about 1998-2002.  The chances of any indivdual newspaper taking the time and effort to put their pre-internet material online is pretty remote.

    The only exception is national newspaper "The Times" which is fully indexable and searchable online back to 1785.  Access is free to certain people who have access to an online library.  I have access through my membership to Manchester library, but other English county libraries offer this newspaper database as well.

    As for the rest of the question.  Itsjustme is bang on the money.  Contact Birmingham library (Local Studies) and ask nicely for a search.  Be very specific.  If you're after an obituary, then give a date of death so they can check a couple of issues within a day or two of that date.  They will only usually spend 15 minutes on any one query for free.  Otherwise they will charge you for research by the hour, and again, as itsjust me states above, this doesn't come cheap - the last quote I had (elsewhere in the UK) was £20 an hour.  It is also possible to contact the British Library in London and get them to search the local Birmingham papers for you for any given date and story, but again, paid research doesn't come cheap, and quotes can run well into three figures.

  4. evening mail archives

  5. UK answer.

    Here is a site that gives the names and addresses of all of the Birmingham newspapers, including phone numbers. Once you make contact you need the "ARCHIVES LIBRARY" for the particular newspaper that you have contacted. The archivist's will then ask for names, dates  as close to the event as possible. They will do the initial search for free and then for a lengthy search, if they haven't managed to find the information for you. I was quoted £75:00 for three hours, but that was in a different part of the country.

    They will photocopy the page, and post that out for free. Anything after that you have to pay for.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Have you tried the archives? I've found quite a few things on their website.

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