
Where can I find ohio traffice law documents

by  |  earlier

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on my speeding ticket, it says I violated ORD 33303. What does this ORD means? I know ORC is referring to Ohio revised code. thanks.





  2. I think ORD would mean ordinance.

  3. That most likely refers to a local City Ordinance.  You were most likely written by a Police Officer (as opposed to a State Trooper or Deputy Sheriff).  It is probably ordinance 333.03.  I have found that most Cities in Ohio that adopted Ordinances seem to have taken them from the same set of numerics.  I know of a few different Cities in Ohio that the local code for speed is 333.03.

    You should be able to find a copy of that City's local ordinances at the local library in that City.

    If you don't want to go to that trouble, the local ordinance will almost definitely be exactly like the State Code (Ohio Revised Code) for speed and you can just refer to that to see the verbage.  

    It is 4511.21 ORC

    Depending on how large the City is their local ordinances may even be on the Internet.  I did a Google search for "ohio codified ordinance 333.03"  and several came up.

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