I have been homeschooling for a year now and it is the best decision I ever made. My daughter is mildly autistic and was carrying a 4.0 grade point. I was not worried about being her teacher except for one area-DECIMALS!!!! I graduated with a 3.0 but no matter how hard I worked I couldn't get it. Thank now my four older brothers were there to help me. It must be some kind of mental block I guess. I aced geometry, trig and calculus, but decimals have always escaped me. And converting fractions to decimals and vice versa, I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!! Now we are in a section of her math curriculum book where I need to explain it to her and I don't know how. Can anyone out there direct me to somewhere on the internet to help us???? The lesson is TOMORROW!!! My personal email is glorianne@hughes.net, Angel child is in bed so emails wont be recieved!! Thanks in advance Glori