
Where can I find out about how the sun, moon, and planets alignment affect people?

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I and a lot of people I know have been experiencing weird things happening in our lives this past week and I am wondering if it has anything to do with astrology?





  2. Easy.  They don't.  There are seasonal defective disorders from lack of sunlight, but that's about it.  The Moon has no effect on you - ever see tides in your swimming pool?  The amount of water in your head is a lot less.  The idea that the 'crazies' come out during the full Moon is an urban legend, unsupported by data from police officers or hospitals.  Planetary alignments have no effect on you - a passing bus has a greater gravitational pull on you than Jupiter.

    Astrology is superstition, plain and simple.  And thumbing everyone down for telling you the truth won't change that fact.  You came to the science section - and you're getting science.  Otherwise known as reality.

  3. You came to the right place.

    The sun obviously affects us because of it's light and heat.  You are probably aware of most of the effects related to that.  The sun's gravity indirectly affects us because it is what determines the earth's orbit.

    The moon has very little effect on us.  The tides are just about the only physical effect that is noticeable on earth.  They are due to gravity as well.  The many claims that the moon has some other mystical effects on us, have all been shown to be false.  It has NOTHING to do with menstrual cycles, births, crime, "weirdness," or anything else.

    The alignments of planets has no effect on us at all.  At least none of note.  When Jupiter and Saturn are both near opposition, they cause a maximum tidal surge of something like a millimeter.  If you lined up all the planets and the sun and the moon with the earth, there would be no noticeable effect other than those usually caused by the sun and moon.

    As for astrology, the answer is simple.  Astrology is bunk.  Always was and always will be.  The planets and stars have no relationship to human personality or human events

  4. Might I suggest checking out Proverbs 15:2 instead...

    Sorry, couldn't resist.  It's late where I live.

    ... and Eri, I gave you a big thumbs up!

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