
Where can I find out how far it is between one train station and another using the train not roads?

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I need this to try to work ot our companies carbon emissions




  1. A good question.

    Quail Maps give precise distances, but require a detailed knowledge of the rail system and a lot of aggregation of section distances.

    The National Passenger Rail Timetable has a column in front of each table giving distances (buy soon -- to be discontinued from next year)

    ABC Rail Guide gives distances from London.

    I have suggested to Transport Direct --- see

    that they could include it. They already give you road mileage between rail stations!!

  2. TRY A TRAIN MAP,failing the ability to get through to the rail company, you could also try a ordanance and survey map, they give scale distance it should be no bother to work out. regards LF

  3. ask the local train company thay have mesured all the track and can tell you the length between any 2 rail stations

  4. Buy an all lines timetable, an old one will do.

    The distances are shown on the first page of every indvidual line's timetable.

  5. try national rail website.

  6. There are usually mile post along the side of the track so have a look out for them next time you travel

  7. A quail map, which is a map of the railway tracks in Britain would help you as it has the distances of how far stations are from each other.  There are several books as the country is split into different areas, the link below shows the books you can get and how to order them.

  8. at the train depot the ticket agent usually knows the distances between stations,call em.or look at a highway map find your distance scale & mearure from town to town the differance from road & track dont very but 10 miles or so

  9. If you have a look alongside the track there will be mileposts

    Eg in the UK the mile posts either look like a yellow square with a number in, or the newer ones are blue diamonds.

    Number on own = Mile post

    Number with MP under - Mile post

    Number with I under - Quarter Mile

    Number with II under - Half Mile

    Number with III under - Three Quarter Mile

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