
Where can I find out how much my Ouija Board is worth?

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It was made in 1920, by a company called "JM Simmons Co." does anyone know where I could find more information on it? Please let me know. Thanks. If you go to this site:

it's the first one on the page, you can view it here.




  1. Take it to an antique dealer in your area and most likely you can get a reliable estimate.  Another option would certainly be to look for similar items on ebay.  If there is an auctioneer who specializes in estate auctioneers in your area he or she might be able to give you a good idea of what it might bring at auction if it were advertised.  Are there any occult stores, psyshics, etc. in your area?  You could ask them.  A final suggestion is to try the site While this site generally addresses the usual board games, you might also get help there as it has information about just about every board game that ever existed.  

  2. Go to Ebay to see how much they are bringing if you plan to sell.

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