
Where can I find out how to draw Naruto Based characters?

by Guest55646  |  earlier

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Hi!I just wanted to know if anyone knows a site where they show you how to draw the basic body and legs,I already know how to draw manga,but not Naruto based.VIDEOS do not help me one bit.Downloading in a no.I need something thats online and free.Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated




  1. Here's a great little page that actually has videos of how to draw them!

    Have fun!

  2. Hello, all these links below will show you how to draw naruto based character. And I know you said videos don't help you but I think you should go on google video or you tube and try one more time. And also google is the best site to search, so I encourage you to search it on google. your result would be very accurate. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

  3. Just go to google and type-how to draw naruto worked for me

  4. Well, I wanted to learn how to draw Naruto cause I LOVE drawing and I LOVE Naruto. go on Goggle and type "How to draw Naruto Based characters" that worked for me. if it doesn't work then type something like "How to draw Naruto?" you can find 'step by step' pictures or a slow video that you can stop whenever you want. it's great. if it doesn't work for you then go to YouTube even if you sead that videos don't help a bit, try again. Never give up, that's what Naruto always says! That's the way you will succside.

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