
Where can I find out where my grandparents were born ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing a project and I just need the birthplace of my grandparents. Is their a public database that actually works that I can look at. They are only in their 80's




  1. If they are in their 80's, then they should be in the 1930 Census.  That will list in which state they were born, and could also be a good clue as to the city.

  2. there should be web sites were you can find out i would tell you go to goole or yahoo or ask. com and type in family tree or family history>

    good luck!!

  3. The logical thing is if they are alive then call them and ask them.  If they are in their 80's then they were born in the 1920's-1930's.  If they were born in the US before 1930, you can find them as babies on the 1930 census, but you have to know their parents names and what state and county to look in.  If they were born after 1930, they will not appear on the census until 1940.  The 1940 census records will not be available until 2012 since the Federal government keeps them private for 72 years.  There is no database where you can look up living people to see where they were born.

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