
Where can I find out whether CocaCola/Pepsi is sold at <span title="McDonalds/Burgerking/KFC/Pizza">McDonalds/Burgerking/KFC/...</span> places etc.?

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Will I know it says it, but I'm not trying to go on a fast food binge/ writing a little paper..... and needed the info but couldnt find it online




  1. i know Coke is sold at McDonalds.

  2. usually Bk and McDonalds and KCF have Coke, and Taco bell, pizza hut, Cluvers have pepsi, BUT if the chain is independently owned but uses the company&#039;s name they can sell any kind they want. For example I work at BK and we have a guy that owns us and pays Bk to use their name he can make any decision to what we sell, so we don&#039;t have Coke we have Pepsi while most BK&#039;s have coke. I hope I helped.

  3. taco bell,kfc,sells pepsi they used to be owned by pepsico

  4. McDonalds and burger king both have contracts with coke, so they all have it, other than that, on the menu of other places it will always say what drinks they serve.

  5. McDonalds serves goat lymph

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