
Where can I find parts for a steam engine?

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What parts do I need and where do I get them? I don't want to make a train. All I want is to experiment and make an engine that runs on steam so I could possibly mabey in the next 10 years invent a car that runs on some form of steam. You might think I am crazy but paying 50 to 100 dollars to fill up your car is even more crazy.

20 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer




  1. Here's the easiest one I've seen to build. The guy sells parts and plans. I'd contact him before sending any money tho.

    I found a ton of steam engine hobbyists with a quick Google search tho.

    Here's lots of free plans.

    And it just so happens I was looking for the last part of an on-demand steam reaction. This is where your steam will come from. I just need to figure out where to buy the Pd-Pt/Al203 Catalyst.

  2. You are going to machine most of them yourself.  Steam is an excellent example of out of the box thinking for the fuel problem.  Before you get lots of hours in on the engine part, think about the boiler and fuel problem.  How are you going to make the steam?  You need water, and a heat source.  Your choice as it stands now, with the current paradigm is some type of petroleum product, wood, or coal.  Coal and wood are out because they are not allowed by the EPA.  Maybe LPG or NG, but then it would easier to just modify a gas engine.  

    For experimentation, you are still going to need a commercial type boiler to get things started.  Then look at cannibalizing some air compressors to make your drivers.  It's just going to work backward,,,so some check valve work is needed.

    Good luck,,,, I cant' wait.  

  3. I own a solar fueled car that doesn't need refueling. It even runs at night or when the weather's real bad so pardon me if I think your question is moot.

    But to answer it, you should find a machine shop to make your steam engine parts.

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