
Where can I find peer-reviewed Social Work journals about self-harm?

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I am working on a research project on self-harm. I need to find peer-reviewed articles as it relates to self-harm in females in relation to sexual abuse and depression. The articles/journals should come from the social work field but I may be able to use other journals. Please send the link to any peer-reviewed articles/journals in regards to the above topic. Thanks a million for your help :O)




  1. Your library will either have social work abstract or social services abstract - which is an online database - it will link you to journals that your library subscribes to.   other data bases are psychlit and sociological abstracts.  you will search with key terms - such as self-harm, cutting, suicide or what ever specific areas of self-harm you are interested in.

    If you have not met with your reference librarian in class (most schools do it this way - set up a meeting and most librarians will walk you through.


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