
Where can I find people (someone) to golf at Poppy Hills?

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I am planning to be in Pebble Beach in early April but can't make a tee time as a single (you can, but you have to get lucky and have a three book) there a golfers "community" board for the Bay/Pebble Beach area??? Anybody have any advice to get on the course?




  1. Poppy Hills parking lot?


  3. Your ACL surgery you had in December must have been successful. That's great. I wish I could be in Pebble Beach in April to play with you. Have you asked a pro shop to place you with another single, twosome or threesome if a slot becomes available?

  4. Whoo-hoo!

    I wish I could come with you buddy, but I will be busy during those days. However, driving on Hwy1 to Monterrey bay area always watch out for those bloody cops!

    They're sure sneaky, those fellas.

    Happy golf to ya!

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