
Where can I find people that speak perfect Spanish in the USA to chat with? Not native speakers?

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Please tell me how did you learned to speak Spanish, in Spanish.




  1. miami

  2. I think it is hard to find not-native speakers that speak “perfect Spanish”. But, first, we would need to understand what you mean by “perfect Spanish”. If by this you mean the Spanish spoken in a particular country; that would be very hard to answer. I’m from Spain, and naturally I like the Spanish spoken in Spain, but I have to concede that there is not a perfect Spanish, but rather a number of different dialects, all of them as beautiful as their respective countries. Now, back to your question. I think if I wanted to find non-native speakers with an advanced level of Spanish, I would hand around Universities offering advanced level of Spanish programs –I’m sure you have a nearby university or college that offers one. Now, if by chatting you mean online chatting, then I don’t know why you would be focusing only on the USA. Finally, I would have to agree with Matt. There is not better way to learn Spanish than embedding yourself in a Spanish-speaking country.

    Buena suerte y un saludo

  3. i can teach you some spanish...

  4. the best speakers of Spanish would be those who speak it natively and in standard versions . I would recomend Colombian boards, Colombian Spanish is very neutral and uses few slang terms, It is what Kansas English is to the English language. your next choice would be chat boards from Spain, Look in

  5. I have a multimedia Spanish - English forum. We have native speakers from almost all of the Spanish speaking countries. Some of our English speakers are also quite fluent.  If you are wanting to practice your speaking skills, we also have voice chat. You can find us at .

    Para responder a tu pregunta:

    Estudié cinco años en la escuela segundaria, y despues seguí mis estudios en la universidad. Pasé un semestre estudiando en España. En este momento platico cotidianamente con nativos para aprender más.

    Buena Suerte,


  6. The coasts of Florida is particularly good. Many other areas like California and Arizona have a massive Hispanic population so you can easily find people to speak Spanish with. You will have trouble with "non-native speakers who speak Spanish unless you ask around."

    I know this may seem like it is avoiding the question but it really isn't.

    1) If you have a close friend or boyfriend/girlfriend who speaks Spanish you will go along way.

    2) Live in a Spanish-speaking country...yes I know you want to know about the US, but I have studied Spanish in the US for several years, and to be honest, it doesn't help much. You really need to immerse yourself in the language. I am currently living in Mexico and already my Spanish has gotten better in a couple weeks here then it would be in a year in the US.

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