
Where can I find pictures of Full-Blooded Cherokee people?

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Where can I find pictures of Full-Blooded Cherokee people?




  1. My grandfather was Cherokee full blood and I have a picture of him. I don't know about the trendy thing. A professor at the University of Alabama has completed a study on the Native American and Caucasian mixing. His book states that a Caucasian family in Georgia or Alabama prior to 1800 is likely to have an 80 to 90% chance of of a mix. A caucasian family in Georgia or Alabama after 1900 is likely to have a 30 to 40 % mix.

  2. Most of these sites have links to pictures and photographs :-

  3. Cherokee, which was originally and eastern tribe, driven west 9trail of tears), is like most other Eastern tribes in that it is hard to find "pure bloods". reason being they are some of the oldest tribes on reservations, and there numbers where intentionally devastated by the goverment in the late 19th and early 20 th century to try and erradicate the tribe. (3/4 of all known former eastern tribes have no bloodlines these days, they are extinct as tribe), Cherokees in Oklahoma have been abused so much previous tothe 1970s that your not going to find pure bloods, maybe some will claim it, but most mixed with other tribes to continue being Indian vs havng white or black or other racial mixes.  MOst people from the south claim to have cherokee blood, I guess it's a trendy thing, like saying they had a relative thats realted to Robert E  Lee, it suppose to make them more southern I guess, but the truth is Cherokees where virtually wiped out by the 1820, only a few thousand survived banished to west of the mississsippi by the civil war, and by the 1910 census, there where less than 1,200.   there where many more tribes, and larger tribes that actually mixed with settlers more often becuase they where not percieved as threats to colonization (choctoaws, Cree,Delaware, etc), and many north eastern and south eastern tribes, like cherokees, where virtually wiped out by the very earlyy 1800s , before camaras.  thats why you can't find pictures.

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