
Where can I find prices of sending a communication satellite into orbit?

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Where can I find prices of sending a communication satellite into orbit?




  1. Check out the aerospace companies that do all of Nasa's work. Lockheed Martin for instance.  

  2. In the mid 1990's the cost of sending a communication satellite to orbit was $50 million (USD) dollars.

    See the first link specifically for price info.

  3. Call the Russians or the Chinese - they'll probably have the best deals around.

  4. Wow, you must be well off if you can do that. NASA is the least costly way to do it. you should probably contact them.  

  5. talk to somebody who does it commercially like arianespace or orbital.

    what sort of orbit did you have in mind? how massive a satellite? both will change how many digits the price tag has.

  6. In the yellow pages of course ... where else?

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