
Where can I find proper attire for my 4 year old for her horse riding lessons?

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I am pretty sure I didn't ask for an opinion on IF my 4 year old should or can start lessons. I asked about attire. If you aren't going to answer the question at hand, please don't answer at all. FYI she is already taking lessons with a well trained horse trainer, and well thought of stable. Thank you!!!




  1. All i would do for now is wear jeans boots etc

    and see if she stays with it

    later is she stays riding and shows your trainer will tell you

  2. Anything you would wear in the barns would work.  Jeans, shirt, and boots.  You want good boots that will protect the feet.  Co-Pokes has a lot a good riding attire.

  3. She probably can wear jeans and boots.  Most lesson barns provide helmets.  Some barns have required attire, but I've never heard of requiring little kids to wear breeches and boots for riding lessons.  I'd call your barn and ask what she has to wear.  If you must get riding pants, then search for a tack shop in your area.  You can get riding boots at Tractor Supply stores and they also have helmets.

  4. Comfortable protective basic clothing adaptable to riding.  Durable clothing which is easily to machine wash is best.

  5. At the barn i ride at the attire is jeans with half chaps, or riding pants, boots, any shirt u want to wear( i wear hco, a&f, ae) shirts and they dont get that dirty!! but yea i am glad she is starting out at a young age!!

  6. 4-years-old is too young for anything more dangerous than hand-led pony rides. Even the gentlest of well-trained horses can be unpredictable and dangerous if startled or frightened and can be a handful even for an experienced adult rider in unexpected situations. Finding the attire you want for your 4-year-old is going to be the least difficult of your task because finding a riding stables operator who offers riding lessons for children less than 6-years-old is going to be nearly impossible. And I am sure a great many riding stable operators would not even allow a child that young in the saddle with a parent unless that parent has an above average level of skill and proficiency.

    Edit: I think it is frightful and appalling that most people here do not understand the outright recklessness of riding lessons for a 4-year-old. I say again, "4-years-old is too young." I strongly recommend you consider nothing more ambitious than pony leads to slowly build the child's strength, balance, and confidence before beginning more ambitious lessons. That will prepare the child for lessons and give the child an edge on safety by lessening the risk of falling when the child is ready at a more suitable age for lessons. And that being much closer to 6-years-old than 4-years-old. With more than 40 years experience in handling horses, I can say with unequivocal qualification that serious and often disabling injuries by being kicked or trampled when beginning riders fall or are thrown from the horse is an all too common occurrence.

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