
Where can I find "good behavior" books for kids?

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My aunt wants me to get my cousin into reading more books, and also asked if while I did, if I could bring in books about behaving with good manners and not being angry a lot. My cousin has some.... "anger issues"(he's the baby of the family, and he's in kindergarten, so he's having a tough time not getting what he wants - he has improved though!).

I know of books that could get him into reading, like pokemon and other cartoon he loves to read - I've had success with helping kids get into reading with their favorite stuff.

But which books do you think would help him learn to behave nicely?

I thought of some Franklin (the turtle) books, and Bernstein bears (my favorite as a kid)....but are there any new ones out there?





  2. my brother had anger management problems too expect my sister and i got him to read "what do you say when a monkey acts this way?" and he is now the most polite boy i have ever met.

  3. There are a lot of books you can find in the childrens section about dealing with anger.  I remember reading  a book to my son called "When I Get Angry" and he actually used the things they did in the book when he got angry and it really helpd. Go to your local Chapers or major book store and check out the kids section and you will be amazed at how many choices you will have that are easy for your cousin to read and also teach appropriate behaviour.

  4. My son loves the Berenstain Bears, and their stories usually teach good lessons without getting too "preachy."

    The Mercer Mayer "Little Critter" books are good, too.  They are written more from the perspective of how frustrating it can be to be a kid, but it gives a clear understanding of when he is misbehaving (which you can discuss with your cousin when you are reading him the books).

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