
Where can I find reliable statistics on the amount of animals consumed worldwide, every year?

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  1. "more than 17 billion in the U.S. alone, and sport fishing and angling kills another 245 million animals annually. So, basically, we’re talking about over 27 billion animals – both land and aquatic – being killed every year in the U.S. so we humans can eat them. We’re not talking about survival – we’re talking about appetite. And these numbers don’t count the millions of aquatic animals killed as incidental catch."

    "A single pass of a trawl removes up to 20% of the seafloor fauna and flora. And the fisheries with the highest levels of by-catch are shrimp fisheries: 80%-90% of a catch may consist of marine species other than the shrimp being targeted."

    "According to a 2003 U.S. News and World Report article on fishing and its detrimental affects on the oceans of the world, every pound of shrimp that’s caught results in the killing of ten pounds of other marine life. According to the Worldwide Fund for Nature, in the Gulf of Thailand it can be 14 pounds of by-catch per pound of shrimp."

    According to this site 47 billion animals are killed for human consumption each year but does not include large incidental deaths caused by trawl fishing.

  2. You are asking a very tough question because PETA will most likely over-estimate such a figure in their efforts to discourage animal consumption. .... While beef, fish, and poultry producers will most likely down-estimate such a figure to lessen the appearance of any animal cruelty.

    Add to that... depending on your geographical location, monetary status, social mores, religion, etc. meat consumption will vary drastically across the planet.

  3. I'd go to either PETA's website or maybe greenpeace's

  4. you cant to much of the world has solid way to recored data

  5. it would be far easier to find a statistic for the amount of meat consumed in a specific country.  it would be difficult to estimate this figure for the entire world as many areas of the world where the majority of meat is not produced in factory farms would probably not record this data.  this quote will show you how much it varies: (source listed below)

    "The amount of meat eaten varies considerably worldwide. In developed countries, people typically eat about 224 grams per day. But in Africa, most people consume only about 31 grams a day."

    here is a link to a scholarly article based on studying worldwide meat's rather long, but it was published in the journal of nutrition so it is very reliable and offers a number of statistics.

  6. Try they are ALWAYS reliable.

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