
Where can I find rent-by-the hour motels near Akron, OH?

by Guest63030  |  earlier

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I am a makeup artist working on a photo project involving the seven deadly sins, and this Sunday (July 20) will be the first shoot, Lust.

We are looking for a seedy, crappy, dingy, dirty, creepy motel, preferably the kind that rents by the hour, near Akron OH. We are willing to go about 25 miles outside of Akron in any one direction.

Please hurry! And try not to give me motels you are not sure if they still exist, as I have gotten several of those already from my friends and really cannot afford to drive all over looking for two hours every day until then, like I did this afternoon :)

Thanks tons in advance!





  1. Yeah, right.   But just in case you are for real, just call the Akron police department.  They will know.  Or if you fear them, try a cab driver.   Be safe.  And good luck.

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