
Where can I find rescources online to assist teachers with dealing with children challenging behaviors?

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Where can I find rescources online to assist teachers with dealing with children challenging behaviors?




  1. Try here:

  2. Hello.  I teach a specialized classroom for children with behavior problems.  the sites below are seriously the BEST.  I've been to many presentations given by those folks and sit on the statewide board in my state for children with challenging behaviors.  Check out the 'what works' briefs, the training modules from the first one, and look around the second.  There's a TON of info on there, so look around.  It's all based in research and is the best information for children and challenging behaviors.  Once you learn the strategies and integrate them into your classroom, you really will be amazed at how the children respond.  Good luck!!!

  3. Introduce Tribes into your program, it greatly reduces the amounts of unwated behaviour in a classroom.

  4. Go to the website below.

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