
Where can I find solar or green house plans that also conform to restrictions for historic revitalization area

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I own a small plot of land in an old, city neighborhood in central North Carolina where a revitalization project is underway. We were one of the few families who managed to keep our ancestors' homestead property. The small, modest homes that dated back to the late 1800's have mostly been torn down, with just a handful being suitable for restoration. Although it's not yet a written restriction, the developers that are beginning to come in will be trying to build homes in keeping with the style of the original community (small farm house & victorian cottage). Does anyone know where I can find house plans that will have the right 'look,' but also meet my own requirements for passive solar heating/cooling? As for the orientation of my lot. It's on a corner, narrow and deep, with the front facade facing due west, the other street side facing due south.




  1. check with the local County Extension Agent or county/state Agriculture department.  In Arizona, the state helps with information on regional arid plants (reduce water consumption and natural landscaping)

  2. All I can say is good luck with that, I use to in a historic district of a small town and wasn't allowed to replace the old windows with double pane glass, even thou the new window frames would be made to match.

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