
Where can I find some really good names for my characters?

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No one answered my question nor have suggested something decent.

Character 1 Hunter Zander needs a middle name. He is a really sweet character. He almost like Edward Cullen(if know who he is), w/o the vampire side. Hunter is a witch and will do everything is his power to protect Ellen.

Character 2 Ryan needs a new first and last name. He is the opposite of Hunter. He doesn't love Ellen, but he needs her to break a cruse. he's a really evil.

Can someone please, please help me.




  1. try a name site like, using the random generator or just browsing the database.

    i've found some pretty cool names that way, from all sorts of nationalities, mythology, history, etc. etc. or, you can always make up one yourself. :)

    if you want a specific meaning, you can even search for names with that meaning on the site. i do that a lot too.

    have fun!

  2. Try cracking open an ancient history book. I've found a lot of interesting names that way, whether they're Roman or Egyptian.

  3. Character 1 Hunter Bentley Zander

    Character 2 Dimitri Ford

  4. I really want to read ur story ^___^

  5. Try studying star names. That's where I get alot of the character's names for my books.

  6. Try this website:

    Hope it helped.

  7. You could try looking in a local graveyard for names. There are a lot of interesting ones in cemeteries. Another great place to look is on your family tree, if you have one. My relatives have some pretty weird middle names (family names) that are fun to use in writing. Other places to look are in baby name books, especially weird ones like books of magical names. Another (desperate) thing to do is just make a name up. Think of some sounds you like, and then combine them. That's how authors such as J. K. Rowling cam up with names for things, and that's how the name Hagen-Daaz (the ice cream brand) was created.  

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