
Where can I find someone to keep me company while visiting Phuket?

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Where can I find someone to keep me company while visiting Phuket?




  1. I dont know but if you were coming to nj  i could help you out

  2. I am ready for you.

  3. we are all here, dont worry theres plenty of us around to bangkok

  4. I don't know the town but Phucket, I'm pretty good with maps.

    Walk with me...

  5. Mr.Hung from Hong Kong

    he is an excellent ... interpreter

  6. Baby - say no more.  I'm your Phucketberry.  Ã¢Â™Â¥

  7. Just bring your desk with you !! you can keep all those boys under there to keep ya happy!

  8. We're all one big happy phuken family in Phuket

  9. I'll show you how to Phuket in style!

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