
Where can I find something similar to this...?

by Guest66748  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike No, not for working out, for this- What me and my friends did with the old one, is take a dog leash, attach it to a bike then hold onto the other end of the leash while sitting on the ab dolly. Yeah, it's crazy, I'm a kid, blah blah. But t's the coolest feeling in the world, it's like water skiing. Anyway, I'm looking for something similar, the ab dolly's 90 bucks! It needs swivel wheels, and an area you can sit one.




  1. Well, it's called an "Ab Dolly" because someone took the idea of a Dolly and turned it into exercise equipment.  I suppose you could use a real dolly.

    So that thing looks like it would probably fall over at high speeds with a person sitting on it.  What do you do when you fall?  Just get road rash? And wouldn't the dolly run into the bike when the bike stops?  

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