
Where can I find texts of Hitler's speeches in their original german? just curious.?

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Actually the one I'm most interested in finding the German text for is the speech where he speaks to the German youth his "jugend" on youtube and also the one that translated from German he tells the people to "think at every hour only of the German nation" before leading a string of Sieg Heil's.




  1. A friend of mine tells me that Hitler's speeches are probably in the Maryland Library at College Park. You may contact me by email, for further information, or contact the Library Reference, at the University of Maryland.

    I'm interested in one of Hitler's speeches. It was broadcast in this country, probably over WHO Radio, in Des Moines. That station was in the NBC Network. Or, it might have been WMT, in Cedar Rapids, of the CBS Network.

    I think the speech was probably broadcast in 1940 or 1941, before the US was in the war.

    The only German words I could understand in that speech were the words that meant "hundred" and "thousand,"  It seemed that Hitler was stating a list of items, each associated with some number in the "hundred thousands."

    I didn't ask my parents about it, at that time, because I wasn't very interested, but I suppose that they would probably not have known what Hitler was talking about, either.

  2. thats a really weird questions, but try googling it.

  3. TRY YOUTUBE. you will find some.

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