
Where can I find the Arabic "Lord's Prayer?"?

by  |  earlier

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this is the english one:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.

[For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

now and for ever. Amen.]

i been lookin for the arabic one and i cant find it, im pretty sure there is one, can someone tell me where i can find it or give it to me?




  1. This prayer was taught by Jesus to his disciples &  I think the language of the day was Aramaic .....not arabic !

  2. i thought u were muslim?!

  3. Here;...

  4. Abana allathee fil samawat

    li yatakass ismoka

    liya2tee malakootoka

    litakon mashi2atoka

    kama fil samawat kazalika 3ala al 2ard

    a3tina khobzana kafaata yawmina

    wa ighfir lana zonobana wa khatayana

    kama na7no naghfir liman akhta2a wa 2assa2a 2ilyana

    wa la todkhilna fil tajareb

    laken najjina min al shirrir

    li2anna laka al kowata wal majd

    al aan wa ila abad al aabideen


  5. Hi samsooma!!!!  Just wanted to say that.

  6. Of course there is one, I have it written in Latin, I don't know if that's how you want it or if you meant written in Arabic.

    " Abana alathie fi asamawat,

    li yatakadas ismok,

    li ya’atie malakotok,

    litakon mashia tok,

    kama fisama’,kathaleka ala al ard.

    A’atinia khubzana,

    kafafa yawmina,

    wa igfer lana khatayana

    kama nahnu naghfer

    la man akhta’a elayna.

    Wa la tudkhilna fit a jareeb,

    laken najjina min ashireer.


    Edit: found a few for you on the net, this is a comprehensive one ( from a Palestinian site too :)))

  7. أبانا الذي في السموات،

    ليتقدّس اسمك، ليأتي ملكوتك.

    لتكن مشيئتك، كما في السماء كذلك على الأرض.

    أعطنا خبزنا كفاف يومنا. واغفر لنا زنوبنا وخطايانا،

    كما نحن نغفر لمن أخطأ وأساء إلينا. ولا تُدخلنا في التجارب،

    لكن نجّنا من الشرّير.

    لك الملك، والقوة، والمجد، الى أبد الآبدين.

    also, phonetically written: (

    Abana alathie fi asamawat,

    (Our Father, who art in heaven)

    li yatakadas ismok,

    (hallowed be thy name)

    li ya’atie malakotok,

    (thy kingdom come)

    litakon mashia tok,

    (thy will be done)

    kama fisama’

    (in heaven)

    kathaleka ala al ard.

    (as well as on earth)

    A’atinia khubzana

    (give us bread)

    kafafa yawmina,

    (for our life today)

    wa igfer lana khatayana,

    (and forgive us our trespasses)

    kama nahnu naghfer

    (as we forgive)

    la man akhta’a elayna,

    (those who trespass against us)

    wa la tudkhilna

    (and do not lead us)

    fit a jareeb;

    (into temptation)

    laken najjina

    (but deliver us)

    min ashireer.

    (from the evil one.)



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