
Where can I find the Jonas Edition of Cosmo Girl?

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I've looked in Walmart but I couldn't find it and this is the day it's supposed to be in stores.

Thanx in advanced for all the answers. :)




  1. Probubly gotta order it.

  2. Walmart just might be slow on getting the magazine out. aha

    i was looking for the last CosmoGirl at Walmart and it wasnt there for a little bit.

    other places i would recommend looking at is places like Rite Aid or CVS. they always have a ton of magazines. thats probably where i will get mine. Target, Walgreens, Kmart, and other places like that might have it also.

    just look at places like that. if they dont have it, wait a couple of days and then check back at Walmart. they will eventually put it out(:

    hope this helps and i hope you find it(:

  3. why don't don't you try Walgreens  or CVS.

  4. I got it at Walmart.

    I wouldn't waste your time.

    It has one Jonas Page.

    It isn't very Jonasified

  5. pretty much everywhere but some jusr get them late try like target or Kmart

  6. yeah sometimes the magazine tht i'm looking for isnt at walmart

    but they do have it at giant eagle cause thts where i got mine

    hope i helped : )

  7. they have it in claires

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