
Where can I find the best information on naturally redheaded people?

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Where can I find the best information on naturally redheaded people?




  1. I was just recently was told by my mother, who was a nurse for many years working mainly in the operating room, that redheads require more anaesthesia than others.  She said that they had to closely monitor  them because if they were given too much, they could suffer cardiac and pulmonary complications but if they weren't given enough, waking up or sudden movement could be fatal.  

    Well being a strawberry blonde myself, I looked further into this and found these interesting facts, not to mention some very strange ones too.

    - Red hair comes about due to a pigment called pheomelanin and the cells that produce skin and hair pigment have a dysfunctional gene called the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R).  It  is a recessive gene which may skip generations but both parents must have this gene (not necessarily red hair) for their child to have red hair.

    - People with red hair are more susceptible to pain, according to research carried out in the United States and suggests that redheads need 20% more anaesthesia than people with other hair colour

    .......and speaking of stereotyping

    - During the years 1483-1784, women with red hair were suspected of witchcraft and endured torture and death through being burned at the stake or drowned.

    -Ancient Egyptians would ritually bury redheaded men alive.

    - Greece is one country that admires redheads because of their believed mythical qualities.

    "Of course, part of the problem with redheads

    is that there aren't enough of them. They make

    up just two percent of the population. So they're

    pretty extraordinary. Redheads are too numerous

    to be ignored, too rare to be accepted. "

                  Grant McCracken,

    from his book  Big Hair: A Journey Into the Transformation of Self

    Here's a link to a good site you may be interested in.

  2. The 2nd site looks like fun mentioning myths, etc.

  3. I'd suggest the MLB for their batting averages and ERAs. The NHL can tell you about goals and assists. In both cases you'd have to make up a list of naturals yourself by consulting your sports cards.

    The National Council of Churches would have the educational qualifications of those ordained in mainline protestant churches.

    I can give you anecdotal evidence about a lady who majored in Sociology in 1968.

    If you want to stereotype people by hair color, go ahead. Don't limit yourself to hair color, though. Blonds are stupid, red-heads are hot tempered, brunettes are wise, witty, well-read, gracious and devilishly handsome, African-Americans like to eat watermelon and play the banjo, Scots are stingy, Mexicans are lazy, French are gourmets, Orientals are inscrutable, Australians are friendly but have no taste, Brits are stuck-up, Canadians are shy, girls born in August are difficult to get along with . . .

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