
Where can I find the cheapest electric fence?

by  |  earlier

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I only need it for a veerryy short distance. :[ Theres this one spot that is incredibly easy for a small dog to escape.




  1. there all about the same the bigger the store the cheaper the price like home depot. but figure about 30 for the fencer 3 per steel pole and wire which is cheap.  you'll need a ground rod and a close elec. socket. you can buy a solar power fencer but there about 140.

  2. Be careful but you can get one from home depot...Make sure to get an "Intermittent " type which means it does not give a continious shock but in pulses about every 1 second..Lowes or Home Depot has some that are 22.00 but this is the wrong type...the constant surge, not intermittent has a continious charge that if your pet gets into it when the ground is wet it does not pulse and will not let go of your pet..I have had one that squirrels were literaly still attached to it after a rain and is a picture of it..DO NOT GET THIS ONE....this is a continious charge...

    They are not showing the one that is intermittant..but they have them they are about 60 dollars....Lowes and Home depot has them in stock..just remember the word "intermitent"..that is what you need

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