
Where can I find the date that I joined a group?

by  |  earlier

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Where can I find the date that I joined a group?




  1. Log in to your Group's web site.  Then click on the Members link on the left-hand side of the page.  Then find your login name in the list (it's in alphabetic order by login name).  At the right-hand side of the line with your login name will be the date you joined the Group.

    If you don't see the Members link while following the above directions, then the Group's owner has turned off the ability of members to check the Members list.  If this is the case, you'll have to e-mail the owner at (replacing GroupName with the actual name of the Group, of course) asking that he/she check for you.

  2. The owner can tell you.  It's shown in the membership list.

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