
Where can I find the different breeds of common sheep with pictures?

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I'm getting two sheep and a goat for my newly acquired farmland to breed and to sell the wool of. Unfortunately, the only sheep breed I am familiar with is Jacob sheep and that is not the kind of sheep I want to breed. If you know of a place that I can find breeds and images of the breeds or if you know the breed name of the black head and white body please tell me!




  1. Go to

    no, the breed in Babe are border leisters

    suffolks have no wool on head and legs. they have black head and legs and are white wooled.

    hope this helped!

  2. Hmm sounds like your talking about Suffolk or Hampshires but they aren't wool breeds, they're meat breeds. The Columbian is a really nice wool breed though.

    This is a suffolk hampshire-

    These are columbians-

    If your looking to maybe sell club lambs, then suffolk hampshire crosses would be the best choice for that.

  3. I believe you are thinking of the Suffolk or the Hampshire

    The Suffolk originated in England from Southdown x Norfolk crosses and was imported into the U.S. in 1888. This is the largest-sized breed in the U.S. which, along with rapid growth rate, makes it well adapted as a sire breed for production of crossbred slaughter lambs. The Suffolk has a bare and black head and legs, is prolific and a good milker, produces a medium-grade fleece and is raised under a range of climatic conditions. Suffolk lambs grow rapidly and produce high cutability carcasses.

    Hampshires were developed in the Hampshire country of Southern England. The Old Hampshire, Berkshire Knot and Wiltshire Horn, with the introduction of Southdown and Cotswold, formed the genetic background of the Hampshire breed. The breed is widely used in the U.S. as a source of terminal sires for commercial lamb production. They are a large, moderately prolific breed with wool caps, black faces and medium-wool fleeces. They also have very good milking ability, growth and carcass cutability.

    Go to this site and click on the names, Cheviot, Dorset ...

    It will take you to the pictures and description of the meat breeds of sheep in the US


    this website can give you alot of information about climents, wool quality, and also background info on many breeds of sheep. has some drawbacks, some sheep have more info than others.

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