
Where can I find the laws regarding missing work due to illness, specifically in a hospital setting?

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I called out for diarehha and a fever. My shift lead nurse was EXTREMELY rude when I called. I feel justified to not go in, as these people are sick and have a lower immune system anyway. This is the second time I have called out this year and she has always been rude. Where can I find the laws? I know it is against the law to work in a resturant under these conditions, so surely it must be the same for a hospital, right?




  1. Probably no such law in your state. There is no federal law.

    Check the state Department of Labor

  2. It's not a matter of law but of company policy - which absences are excused which are not. Your lead nurse's attitude certainly can not be legislated and she is probably just frustrated to have to run a shift short handed-

    The only hours legislated by law are hours worked.  

  3. No one in any work environment is required to work where it is insulting, degrading, angry, or unduly stressful. Go to your HR person and complain.

  4. there is no law against being rude.

  5. Check your state's statutes.  Also, check for cases that might be pertinent to your situation.  

    However, the best bet is to consult with an attorney.  That's their area of expertise and certainly know more (they should know more) about what can be done for you.

    Good luck!

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