
Where can I find the most comprehensive definitions and description of common employee handbooks?

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I'm look for Web sites that can provide me with Universal definitions of a basic employee handbook and things like:

Electronic Communications, Complaint REsolution, Dress Codes, Drug & Alcohol Policy, etc.




  1. There is no such thing as a book or Web page of universal definitions for employee handbooks.  Who would decide that the definitions are "universal"?

    Your question doesn't say whether you are trying to write an employee handbook, or  trying to understand the one you have been given.  But in either case, you should rely on plain old dictionary definitions for the terms used, unless the handbook itself explains any special meanings.

    For example, "Complaint Resolution" should mean a way of getting answers and solutions to a complaint.  And "complaint" should usually be the everyday definition (a problem that an employee has with the company or with another employee).  If  your company has a specific situation where regular meanings don't fit, then the handbook should spell it out.  For example, "Remember that at XYZ Company, a Complaint is not the same as a Grievance.  Complaints may be resolved orally by the employee's supervisor, while Grievances must be in writing and presented to the Grievance Committee."  (Obviously, I'm making this up as an example, but I think you get the idea.)

    But basically, stick with common sense meanings, or employees will be terribly confused.  The whole point of having an employee handbook is to make everything as clear as possible.  If you have to go to some third party to explain what every term means, you will have made it more confusing, not more clear.

    I hope this helps.  Good luck!!

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