
Where can I find the recipe for a whoresalad?

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My friend, Guido and his friend Celeste were talking about it and saying its a really good exotic salad. Anyone know where I can find the recipe?




  1. Helloooooooo, did you ever hear of Google??? You'll get an answer a lot quicker than here.

    c**p!  Someone beat me to that answer already didnt they??  

  2. I think the recipe calls for cherries, crabs, and "ranch dressing".  You serve the whoresalad in a nut cup.

  3. 1 pint of average to low grade blackberry brandy.

    1 gallon of Ernest and Julio Gallo Rhine wine.

    4 lbs of  taco meat.

    Saran rap, the industrial size.

    14 lbs of 2mm ball bearings

    1 tablespoon of petroleum jelly.

    Hey, all I can remember for sure are the ingredients.  The rest is history.

  4. i've always wanted a whoresalad but i've never found a good recipe i like

  5. Guido enjoys it best when he eats out.


  6. i only used one ingredient - Jaegermiester

  7. I thought Tublet was the Whoresalad.

  8. The recipe can be found in the back of a Lexus.

    2nd alternitve: check the matted sheep hair.


  10. Can i toss it?

  11. I just know there's tossing involved, and it's best as a side dish to a bitchburger.

  12. Oh I think that Tublet may have that recipe....

  13. Wow, the thumbs down fairy took his thumb out of his bum for a change and has been quite busy. I think the thumbs down fairy's mother has a great recipe for whoresalad. It goes quite well with her douchecicles.

  14. You called my BFFSS a freaking w***e...??

    I am so telling on you!

    *runs away*

    *tells Celeste*

    *cries when she admits that she really is a freaking w***e*

    Salad anyone...?

    I'll bring the lady sauce dressing.

  15. 1 part Celeste 1 part Dr. KIA 1 part Lucky 4 parts Johnny

  16. allyou need is a good orgie

  17. Helloooooooo, did you ever hear of Google??? You'll get an answer a lot quicker than here.

  18. Pardonne can toss my salad anytime she wants!  I love whoresalad!  

  19. I think Martha Stewart put it in one of her books.

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