
Where can I find the rules about registering people to vote?

by Guest61255  |  earlier

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An organization that I recently joined is registering people to vote and I shared with some people on here how out there the experience was and the person said that I was breaking some voter registration rules and could have had charges pressed. I was wondering where I can find and read the rules on registering people to vote.




  1. You need to check the Laws of (Your State) and the Regulations of ( Your State) regarding voter registration. Check your local public library for starters, but you may want to visit the nearest Law Library to find out all the information you want to know about voter registration.

  2. This varies from state-to-state.  Check with your County Clerk's office, your librarian. or the League of Women Voters (  Any one of them will likely be glad to help you.

    It is also possible to register on the internet in any number of places, but for specific questions, I would check with those listed above.

    Okay - with the expanded information, you need to contact the County Clerk for exact rules.  And if it isn't forthcoming, go to the other two.  Either you weren't given enough training, or someone is spoofing you - but find out.

  3. There are several ways to do this.

    1. Contact your party  Republican Headquarters in your area or Democrat which ever.

    2. Contact the registrar of voters office in your county

    In some cases you can be paid to register voters. You will go to a class of instuctructibecauseause there are legal questions have hav to ask when registering people. You have to be a registered voter a citizen of the USA and old enough to vote.


    This is the place where you can also try ...

    It's specifically meant for just such queries ...

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