
Where can I find uk styled homeschool record keeping forms?

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What are the best uk home school record keeping systems out there? I am searching the internet but can only find American based ones.

I am looking for attendance forms, lesson plan forms, progress forms etc.

what do UK homeschoolers use and where can I find them?




  1. I agree with the above two answers, but it does depend on your approach to HE.  

    My daughter (13) is an absolute stickler for routine so yes, we do have quite a strict and mainly academic timetable.  I have a day-per-page diary  in which I note everything that we have done.  This is more for my benefit though because I am less efficient than she is and can never remember what we did in previous lessons.  It is not a requirement by law.

    If, however, you do wish to have some sort of record keeping system then perhaps you and/or your child could design your own on your computer.  It would be much more fun and can be tailored to your requirements.

  2. Hi I home educate my two sons aged 11 and 15

    all you need to do is keep a day to day journal, thats what i do

    I have a folder i keep any work in and each child has their own file on the pc

    we dont have a lesson plane every day we do English and maths from work books and then we might do some cooking or go out

    once a week the boys read a newspaper and every day they watch the news

    home schooling isnt about giving lesson and you dont have to follow the national curriculm

    Its also about the child learning to learn for themselfs

    check out education otherwise

  3. You don't need to keep any records in the UK - it's entirely up to parents how they educate their children.     We did so for nine years, and although I kept a few notes for my own interest, I didn't do any formal record keeping.  Nor did I do any lesson plans.  You don't have to follow the National Curriculum, or any curriculum;  nor do you need a timetable.  Most British home educators go for interest-led learning, or autonomous education, which means each day is different and most education happens spontaneously.

    If you want to keep some kind of daily record, you could create a blog, or just make your own forms in a word processor.

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