
Where can I find where and when Enrique Iglesias is having any recent concerts (preferably in California)?

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Where can I find where and when Enrique Iglesias is having any recent concerts (preferably in California)?




  1. I am from Ukibarstan, and um...well I don't have internet access, so I can't recomend to you any websites because I can't check them myself, but you can always follow your heart!  <3

    Enrique will be on the horizon.  Peace out.

  2. On his website. Just goolgle Enrique Iglesisas and his website will come up and then click on tour dates. He is touring with Aventura starting tomorrow but unfortunately there are no California dates. The closest is in Las vegas. You could also just got to ticketmaster and type in his name and the dates will be there as well.

    Good Luck

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