
Where can I find work in Japan?

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I recently resigned at my first job because I have plans to go to Japan and work there. I'm 21 years old and I know how to speak English, Filipino and Japanese. My father is Japanese so I don't have any problems living there for good. i just want to know where I can find work there.




  1. Try teaching English. I'm going to South Korea in a few months to teach English there. I've got a degree but I'm sure you can get work without one if you don't have one. Enlgish teachers are apparenly paid very well in East Asia.

    Good luck!

  2. Your need a four year degree. Period. You just can't go there. You need a work visa to work there. And to get the work visa you need a job offer before you get there. Simple as that.

  3. Teaching English is not profitable through agency or company.

    Why don't you ask your father to introduce some jobs somewhere in Japan. He should know the better ones rather than web infos.

  4. What's your citizenship now? If you are not Japanese citizen, I think you have to take spouse visa of Japan first.

    Spouse visa is not just for "spouse". Children of a Japanese citizen are eligible for this visa.

    If your father is a Japanese citizen, you can take this visa which will give you right to have MOST jobs in Japan.

    If you get right to work, you can find some jobs in Japan.

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