
Where can I found out small electrical motor with pump(less than .25 hp) either in coimbatore or in palaghat?

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the motor uses for "fertigation"purposes.that is pumbing fertiliser from a tank to main line to irrigate coconut palam




  1. If nothing is available in your area you can easily adapt any engine cooling water pump to do what you want. Power it with anything, electric/ gas/ diesel motor, steam, even wind if you gear it correctly. If you have a fast moving water source you can get lift and flow with no power at all. A simple device can be built that allows the water flow to pump water up hill with waste of about twelve to one ratio (12: 1). Needs no energy but water flow. Send email for details if needed, I'm sure I can find it again.

  2. Thulu water pumps are available in Coimbatore,Palakkad and trivandrum in all major pumpset shops.

  3. golden refrigeration  or aircool center  100 feeet road gandipuram deepam complex and opp to csr hosiptel they will give you pump set or you can go sugana motor they are mfd of this motor they have factory in coimbator ,  look add in yellow page book

  4. Hello! I write from Colima, México, we have palm trees too.

    You should consider using an eolic motor, you can make it, it is cheaper than the electric, transmision lines, transformer, and monthly payment for energy !

    I have a good manual of eolic motor, that book came from INDIA!

  5. "Tullu" pumps are from Coimbatore, you may use them for home made fertigation systems.

    For professional system go to Jain or Netaphim

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