
Where can I get 20" platinum blonde clip in human hair extensions ?

by  |  earlier

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I would like them as light as posible .

It doesn't have to be a track , they can be strips .

Under $80 would be great , If posible .

If it's on a website , they need to be able to get shipped to Canada .

Also , any information on hair extensions would be greatly apreciated.




  1. Does it HAVE to be 20 inches? because I know a GREAT place that sells them for 10.00 american

    and they're 10 inches, whatever colour you want, even in white lol.

    you can buy them individually, and they recommend you buying the white ones so that you can just use manic panic to dye them whatever colour you want because manic panic is semi permanent.

    there is also 8"

    with more colours so that you don't have to dye them,

    and they are 4:97

    but if you must have 20 inches...


    they're very very expensive though...

    about 170.00

    but with ten pieces.

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