
Where can I get E+O coverage as an independent insurance agent in Texas?

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I want to begin work as an independent insurance agent. I am licensed in P+C, plus Life, Accident and Health. I live in Texas. I want to start selling insurance for multiple companies. But a lot of companies want you to have E+O coverage. Where can I get it, without spending a fortune, or where I can pay monthly? Thanks.




  1. OK, you can't pay monthly, and for an agent, with no tail and no prior claims, it's going to cost $2500.   That's just how much it is.  

    Best way to get it, is through PIA.  So contact them . .

  2. Try to use google to find some related links or you could try to use answer engines like yahoo answer or to find some relevant questions.If you like some direct resource,here is a good one from my own experience.

  3. If you are licensed with a particular life insurance company, you can get E&O for selling fixed insurance products through some of them.  I am not sure if they would cover the PC part. Ask the companies you want to represent if they offer the E&O coverage to their agents.  It should be cheaper.

  4. Dr. E-Nasty, Life insurance is actually very flexible. Since I'm from Montana I'm not sure about Texas laws and regulations, so I recommend you contact a local insurance agent. They should be able to help you.

  5. You might try, too.  These underwriters are great to work with -- real professionals with excellent service.

  6. I'm brand new and just got reasonable E&O through - the only catch is you also need to be appointed through Blue Shield - which is no problem.  It only cost me $460 for the year and it covers any company that I produce through (for health, life, dental only, though) and it also covers workers comp if sold through Blue Cross.

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