
Where can I get Japanese swords sharpened in Illinois?

by  |  earlier

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My katana, naginata, and shikomizue are not fully sharpened.




  1. WHy dont u just buy the tools, and do it yourself.

  2. you may need a sharpening stone to sharp it yourself as you like.

    A sharpening stone as this:

  3. hesamurai is a scam artist and that website he listed is one he works for. Their swords are pure junk and you will only waste your money if you purchase from there. I have never heard of one satisfied customer.

    I agree with trysson though, listen to him. Also, if your sword is not fully sharpened, it might be that way for a reason. If it is made of stainless steel it has no need to be sharp. It is only meant for display and should see no actual use.

  4. got o the place u bought it than ask them were u can sharpen

  5. you need a special stone for it, my brother said try a hobby shop, i know where your area is, but idk....  this tells you how to sharpen it:

    this will probably cost less and you can get it done quicker.  =]

  6. The answer depends on what kind of weapons you own.

    Do you have: 1) authentic antique weapons, 2) high quality modern weapons made in the same fashion as the originals (same edge geometry, etc), or 3) weapons with European style secondary bevels?

    Sharpening will vary depending on what you own.

    1) antiques should not be sharpened, as it will destroy their historical value.  

    2) true Japanese style weapons must be sharpened in a traditional manner, and this is expensive.  Sharpening these weapons is actually the last part of polishing the blade, which is much more complicated that simply making it shiney.  Some lower-end weapons of this nature can be very delicately touched up by someone who knows what they are doing with a belt sander.  However, it is all too easy to ruin the weapon this way if you aren't properly trained and really know what you're doing.

    3) anyone with a belt sander/grinder that can sharpen European swords, large tools, etc can sharpen these weapons.

    You might want to check out the Sword Forum.  They have countless articles to help you figure out what sort of swords you have and what they need.

    Also, I will strongly urge you to get proper instruction in using your swords before you attempt to cut.  Swords do horrific damage when mishandled.

    Good luck, and stay safe!

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