
Where can I get REAL help to win my wrongful dismissal case. Have tried ACAS and CAB the net is all employer?

by  |  earlier

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I feel like I'm being given the run-around




  1. Your union representative.

  2. Try and type in various search words relating to your particular case.  It is a free database of court cases/decisions/tests/rulings/etc... from all across Canada. That should help you out a little. I have used it in the past and it's awesome!

  3. First of all make sure you have been in post for long enough, I think it's either 6 or 12 months before you can claim wrongful or constructive dismissal.

    Get help from a Union, if you can.

    Make sure you have a representative and take notes in ALL meetings you have with your Employer/HR department, else put your mobile on voice record.

    Demand everything in writing, get a full explanation of what the reasons for dismissal are and read carefully through your contract and Job Description

    Ask why there hasn't been any action to correct any  problems to avoid the situation getting to this point, e.g. "if I was not performing according to specification, why was I not advised, why was retraining not offered?  Why did my employer not point this out and advise me of any corrective action I s/he could take?".

    In other words: challenge, get witnesses, publicise and make as much of a nuisance of yourself.

    Take any testimonies of colleagues as you are able to get, anonymously at first.

    Threaten to take them to an Employment Tribunal.

    Gather any evidence of Health & Safety and/or Equal Opportunity infraction of laws and codes.


  4. are you sure it was wrongful?  

  5. Legal Aid

    ambulance chasers in the yellow pages


  6. A solicitor.

  7. Try a solicitor, there are plenty employment law ones in the UK, however if ACAS and CAB have not helped I would wonder if you have a case as both these organisations tend to support the employee.

  8. You have to give more details about your wrongful dismissal, so you can be advised better.

  9. ACAS are impartial and only give straight forward advice.  I am a former trade union officer, but you give no details of your case.

  10. There must be solicitors that will represent employees. Any who specialises in employment law should be able to help.

  11. Unless you were dismissed for sexual or racial reasons.. you dont have a case.. bottom line .. any employer can dismiss you for any reason other than sexual discrimination or racial discrimination.  They can fire you for just  looking the way you look as long as one of the reasons above was not the cause..

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