
Where can I get Sushi in Montreal??

by Guest56977  |  earlier

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I have never had sushi and would really like to try it when I go to Montreal. Where would a good place to go that's near St. Catherine Street? and any ideas as to what I should try? with it being my first time and all.




  1. My God!  Montreal is swarmed with sushi places!

    St-Catherine's is a long street.  Many sushi places on it and within a couple of blocks of it.  (But I would probably instead go to a place more in the heart of Monteal's central and more competitive restaurant area on the Plateau area).

    For your first time it probably would be best to order a chef's mixed plate.  They are usually 2 each of 5 or 6 varieties.

    Beware: sushi and shashimi can quickly become habit forming.

  2. There's a great place on Mountain, I think, and of course I forget the name... starts with a T.  There are several others as well, check the link below.  Enjoy!  Watch out for fugu.

  3. If your staying at a hotel, ask the concierge! Voila, instant close by sushi!!!

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