
Where can I get a REAL e-fax number for free?

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At what website can I get a free fax to email number? I keep seeing ads on free e-fax numbers but there is always a catch. Either I have to enter my cc#, the people faxing me have to pay, or I have to pay to send an e-fax.




  1. Greetings A.C,

    I personally have and use EXACTLY what I believe you are looking for.  

    Just go to and sign up for your completely FREE fax number.  

    There is NO trial offer and NOTHING that either you have to pay and or the person faxing to you.  Ahhhhhh, a company that actually knows what the definition of FREE is... what a breath of fresh air, as I know how frustrating your search for one must have been (been there done that myself LOL).

    K7 will provide you with a FREE (206) area code Fax number which individuals can fax documents to you from.  No one has to know that you are using a free fax number (unless you want them to of course), when the item is faxed to you, you will simply log into your email account which you signed up with at K7 (I use a Yahoo email address personally) and then you will have to print out the fax that was sent to you.  

    Keep in mind that although you WILL be able to RECEIVE faxes, you will NOT be able to SEND faxes to anyone through a K7 account, but by the looks of your question, it seems that K7 is exactly what you are looking for.  

    Its a FANTASTIC service in my humble opinion and MANY people don't know about it (thus the person who answered you prior to me), but if they did, I imagine that K7 would be extremely popular.  

    In order to keep your K7 account ACTIVE, it MUST receive activity within a 30 day time frame, meaning that someone needs to fax you something in a 30 day timeframe or they will close your account for non-activity (if this ever happens to you, you can simply sign up again, but you will be provided with a different free fax number than you had before).

    You can check for faxes that were sent to you by logging into your email account that you signed up with and or by logging into your K7 account itself if you so choose to set up for that feature (it's all free mind you).  

    You can also choose to have your fax answer with a personal greeting before it lets a fax go through or you can opt to have no greeting and simply allow faxes to go through (personally, that's what I have my account set up to do... simply allow faxes to go through, which is what I recommend ), you will be able to change your settings to this once you have signed up for your K7 account and then logging in to your "My K7" account and adjusting your settings accordingly (the automatic default is set to provide a automatic greeting before having faxes sent to you, in which the greeting tells the person: "Send your fax now or just wait for the tone to leave a message".  Like I said, I would recommend that you have it set to have faxes sent to you with NO greetings).

    Unless you plan on receiving faxes often with the account I would recommend that you personally send a fax to your account at least once or twice in a 30 day timespan per month (I have an actual fax machine that I can SEND faxes out on put for some reason it doesn't work with receiving faxes... thus my having a K7 account  LOL).   Oh yeah, if you need a free conference call number (a number where you can have up to 99 people dial in to listen to you and or conference with each other just email me and I will provide you with where to get that service for FREE as well!).

    Anyway, I hope this was helpful to you.  

    I am also one of Jehovah's Witnesses and as such you can TRUST me when I tell ya that, your going to absolutely LOVE this service.  

    You can thank me by simply asking Jehovah's Witnesses to show you FROM THE HOLY SCRIPTURES (the next time you happen to see us and or we visit your house in our door to door ministry as Jesus instructed us as his followers to do) HOW Almighty God purposes to STOP and put and end to all the evil, injustice, and suffering FOREVER which is taking place on our planet and HOW Almighty God let's us KNOW from THE HOLY SCRIPTURES that we are NOW living in the time period (known as The Last Days) that has been prosphesied for God to actually intervene in human affairs to make His grand purpose for our earth to take place... I'm serious, don't forget to ask them A.C.  

    May God bless YOU, your family and ALL those you love through the obediance to the good news being proclaimed throughout the earth by Jehovah's Witnesses regarding the establishment in the year of 1914 of God Almighty's long awaited Heavenly Messianic Kingdom Government rulership by the authority given by God Almighty to His Son Jesus Christ which will cause God's will to be done on our earth just as it is in heaven!

    - Matthew 5:5, 6:10, 24:14; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9;

    2 Peter 3:13; 2 Timothy 3:1-5


  2. There are no free services for this. Somebody has to pay for the final call, and it is definitely not going to be the provider. They would go broke if they did.

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